Inscriptions of Grand Regent Grogol Bakurianisdze and his brother Abaz Bakurianisdze in the capacity of church wardens. 12th c. Sepulcher at Petritsoni Monastery.
Grigol Bakurianisdze (died 1086), Military and political figure of Geor gian origin in the 11th century Byzantine Empire. Grigol was Domestikos and Sebastos of the East Byzantine Empire, later - of the West Byzantine Empire. After the death of Davit III Kuropalates, his homeland, Southern Tao, happened to be integrated into the Byzantine Empire. In different periods he served in Armenia, Iberia (Tao) and Syria; he held the position of the Governor of Kars and Theodosiopolis. In 1081 he headed the palace coup at the Royal Court of Byzantine Empire; as the aftermath of the coup, Nikephoros III Botaneiates was ousted and Alexios I Komnenos ascended the throne. In 1083 Grigol Bakurianisdze founded Georgian Petritsoni Monastery in Bachkovo, Bulgaria; he made up the typikon (regulations) for the Monastery and donated abundant wealth and lands to it. The Monastery was one of the outstanding medieval cultural and enlightenment centers. For 20 years Georgian scholar Ioane Petritsi supervised the activity of scribes at the Monastery.
Grigol Bakurianisdze died in the battle against the Pechenegs. He was buried at the Petritsoni Monastery.