Daud Khan

Daud Khan

Daud Khan ( 2nd half of 16th – 1st half of 17th cc.), Beglerbeg (Governor) of Ganja-Kara bakh Province in 1625-33, son of famous Alaverdi Khan (Undiladze). The fame of his father and elder brother, Immamquli Khan, did not eclipse his name. He had a successful political carrier. As early as in 1614, the Safavid troops under the command of Daud Khan defeated the Portuguese and as a result, appended the new territory – Gombrun with its sea coast strip, to Iran. Shah Abbas turned Gombroon into the main port of Iran and renamed it Bandar-Abbas. In 1618 Daud Khan led the troops of Immamquli Khan at the battle at Ardabil, where he showed an outstanding courage. As the envoy of the Shah of Iran, he participated in the talks with Georgian King Teimuraz I near Tbilisi. He endeavored to persuade Iranian Shah Abbas I, to opt for the compromise policy towards Georgia. He had good relations with Commander Giorgi Saakadze and was partial to the Martkopi revolt. The Beglerbeg could not escape the rage of Iranian Shah Safi I: in 1630-31, the Shah ousted him from the Mejlis (State Council). Daud Khan pocketed the insult but did not forget it. In 1633 he took part in the revolt against the Safavid rule, which was headed by Teimuraz I. Safi I offered King Teimuraz I to pardon him in exchange of giving up Daud Khan to him. However, King Teimuraz rejected the offer and gave Daud Khan free passage to the Ottoman Empire.