Tarkhnishvili Ivane

I. Tarkhnishvili

Tarkhnishvili Ivane (1846-1908), Physiologist, born in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 1863-1864 he studied at the Department of Natural Science of PhysicalMathematical Faculty of Petersburg University. In 1869 he graduated from the Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy. He engaged in the research work in the field of physiology under the tutorship of outstanding Russian scientist I. Sechenov. In 1873 I. Tarkhnishvili returned to Georgia, from where he was sent abroad on a two-year mission to work at the laboratories of eminent scientists. After his tenure abroad, he was invited to fill the position of a Privat-Docent initially, and later, in 1877-95, to hold the post of a Professor at the University of Medical-Surgical Academy of Petersburg. In 1895-1901 I. Tarkhnishvili delivered lectures at the Petersburg University. In 1901 he was invited to Brussels to give lectures on physiology. I. Tarkhnishvili worked in different spheres of physiology; he studied the functions of central nervous system, issues of secretion, effect of environment on the organism, etc. He made the important discovery of electromotor forces in the human skin, which appear in response to different irritants. The slow electric effects that emerge in the human skin, is named ‘Tarkhanov’s phenomenon’ in the worldwide scientific literature. He also researched the problems of age-related physiology and other scientific-medical challenges. I. Tarkhnishvili fostered a number of young scientists; among them – outstanding physiologists B. Verigo, N. Tsibulski, V. Chagovets and others. He was a Corresponding Member of Biological Society of Paris, Member of Halle Academy, etc. In 1900, at the Paris International Exhibition he was awarded the Order of Honorary Legion.

Ivane Tarkhnishvili died in Petersburg.