Saakadze Rostom-Khan

Saakadze Rostom-Khan ( 1588–1642/43), Military commander who served at the Court of Shah of Persia. In 1599 he took service with Shah Abbas I. First, he served as the Shah’s personal assistant; in 1626-27 – as his secretary. In 1632-33 he was promoted to the position of the commander and the divanbeg (Chief Justice). In 1634-35 he filled the position of Military Commander of Iran and Beglarbeg (Commander of Commanders) of Azerbaijan. He led the attack of Qizilbashs against the Vani Fortress and defeated the Kurds. He and his warriors drove out Turks from Baghdad; fought against Khusrev Pasha, the Ottoman Commander and captured the Hele Fortress.

In 1634-35 he ousted Turks from Yerevan. He elaborated a new war tactics, putting the gunman and light artillery in the vanguard. He was accused of treason and therewith, Shah Abbas II put him to death in Mashhad.