Janelidze Iustine

I. Janelidze

Janelidze Iustine (1883–1950), Surgeon, Academician of the Acade my of Medicine of the USSR (1944), Lieutenant General of Medical Military Service of the RFSSR. He was born in Samtredia, Georgia. In 1905 he was expelled from Kharkov University for participation in students’ political movement. He continued his studies in Switzerland. In 1911 he received the graduation diploma of Moscow University. From 1921 he was the Professor of Medical University in Petrograd and from 1939 – Chief Surgeon of the USSR Navy. His basic research works cover the problems of surgery of heart and blood vessels and emergency and field surgery. In 1913 I. Janelidze was the first to suture longitudinal wound of artery. In 1947 he was elected the Chairman of the Board of AllUnion Surgical Society. In 1949 he was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

I. Janelidze died in Leningrad.