Aleksidze Levan

L. Aleksidze

Levan Aleksidze (Tbilisi, 5. 7. 1926 - 1. 8. 2019) was a scientist and international law specialist. He was a full member of the Georgian National Academy of Science (since 2001; correspondent member from 1988), Doctor of Law (1964), Professor (1965) and Honored Scientist of Georgia (1986).

L. Aleksidze graduated from Tbilisi Special Military-Aviation School (1944) and the Faculty of Law at Tbilisi State University (1946). He completed a postgraduate course at the Institute of Law of the Academy of Science of the USSR (1950). Between 1950 and 1970, he taught at Tbilisi State University at the Faculty of Law.

From 1970-77 he worked as Senior Officer at the Department of Human Rights of the United Nations Secretariat (New York and Geneva); from 1977, he was a TSU professor, and from 1978-90 the Head of the Department of the Basics of the Soviet Law and International Law; from 1991 the head of the Department of International Law of the Faculty of International Law and International Relations; 1985 – Vice-Rector of TSU, 1992-93 the first Vice-Rector.

Aleksidze studied the problems of the theory of International Law and historical aspects of Georgian International Law. His monograph “Some Issues of the Theory of the International Law: Imperative Norms” was awarded the State Prize in 1985. He actively participated in social-political activities and was a member of the World Association of International Law and the Executive Committee of the Association of International Law.

In 1990-91, he was a member of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Georgia and the head of the Judicial Commission; in 1992, he was a member of the State Council of the Republic of Georgia; and from 1993 to 2003, he was the chief advisor on International Law to the Head of the State of Georgia.

Source: საქართველო-რუსეთის საერთაშორისო სამართლებრივი ურთიერთობა XV – XVIII საუკუნეებში, თბ., 1983; გაერთიანებული ერების ორგანიზაცია, თბ., 1985; თანამედროვე საერთაშორისო სამართალი, თბ., 1986: Некоторые вопросы теории международного права: Императивные нормы (jus cogens), Тб ., 1982.