Aleksidze Merab

M. Aleksidze 

Merab Aleksidze (December 8, 1930, Tbilisi, – July 10, 1993, Tbilisi), was a geophysicist and mathematician. He was a full member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences (1988; corresponding member since 1983), a doctor of Physics and Mathematics (1965) and a professor (1967).

He graduated from the Faculty of Physics at Tbilisi State University in 1955. From 1958 to 1972, he worked at the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, particularly at the Center for Scientific Computing (currently named after N. Muskhelishvili). From 1972 to 1987, he was deputy director of the Institute of Geophysics at the Georgian Academy of Sciences. From 1987 to 1992, he served as the director, and from 1992 onwards, as the chief scientist of the same institute. From 1969, he worked as a professor at Tbilisi State University. His research mainly focused on geophysics (particularly in gravity) and computational mathematics.

Source: Редакция силы тяжести, Тб., 1965; Решение граничных задач методом разложения по неортогональным функциям, М., 1978; Гравитационная Модель коры и верхней мантии Земли, Киев, 1979 (თანაავტ. და თანარედაქტ.); Решение некоторых основных задач гравиметрии, М., 1985; Приближенные методы решения прямых и обратных задач гравиметрии, М., 1987; Решение некоторых основных прямых и обратных задач сейсмологии, Тб., 1990; Фундаментальные функции в приближенных решениях граничных задач, М., 1991.

V. Javakhishvili