Amaghlobeli Nodar

Nodar Amaghlobeli (b. August 24, 1930, Tbilisi – d. April 9, 2004, Tbilisi) was a physicist. A full member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences (1988; a corresponding member in 1979), Doctor of Physics and Mathematics (1975), professor (1983).

He graduated from the Faculty of Physics at Tbilisi State University (TSU) (1953). In 1954–1957, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute of Physics of the Georgian Academy of Sciences and after that started working there (1957–1962). In 1962–1963, he worked at the scientific-research laboratory of nuclear physics of TSU, in 1963–1972 — as the head of the high-energy physics department of this laboratory, in 1972–1973 — as the head of the same laboratory, in 1973–1980 — as the head of the scientific-research laboratory of high-energy nuclear physics of TSU. He was the director of the Institute of High Energy Physics of TSU from 1980. In 1981–1985, he was the vice-rector of TSU in the field of science, in 1985–1991 — the rector of TSU. In 1970–1982, he was the chairman of the High Energy Physics Commission of the Nuclear Physics Section of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR (now Russia);

He had been the plenipotentiary representative of Georgia at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna) from 1992. Amaglobeli's works deal with issues of nuclear and elementary particle physics. He was awarded the P. Melikishvili Prize for his cycle of works on the appearance of neutral strange particles (1976), and he was awarded the State Prize of Georgia (1986) for the discovery of a new narrow baryon resonance.

In 1989–1991, Amaglobeli was the People's Deputy of the USSR and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union.

He received state awards.

Literary works: Определение константы связи π-мезон-нуклонного взаимодействия по сечениям упругого рассеяния нейтронов протонами при энергии 630 Мэв, «Журнал экспериментаольной и теоретической физики», 1960, т. 38, в. 2 (co-author); Образование нейтральных странных частиц в π-р, π-n и π-с взаимодействиях при 40 Гэв/с, «Ядерная Физика», 1973, т. 18, в. 6 (co-author).

 M. Gelitashvili