Ambrogio degli Angioli

Ambrogio degli Angioli was an Augustinian monk.

He was engaged in missionary work in Iran and he spent 9 years there. He spent 7 of them in Isfahan, in the Shah's palace, and 2 of them in Shiraz. He knew the Persian language well. He arrived in Gori on June 1, 1628, with the Augustinian monk Peter, and according to some sources, passed on the remains of Queen Ketevan, who was tortured in Iran, to Teimuraz I (on June 6, 1628). Ambrogio degli Angioli got close with Queen Ketevan in Shiraz, consoled her moments before she was tortured. After the death of Ketevan, he took care of her remains with other Augustinians.

Teimuraz gave the Augustinians several villages to live in, as well as serfs to build a church. Ambrogio degli Angioli built a Catholic church and a house in Gori. He lived in Georgia for 12 years. His unpublished letters to Pope Urban VIII about Georgia have been preserved.

Literature: ა ვ ა ლ ი შ ვ ი ლ ი  ზ., თეიმურაზ I და მისი პოემა „წამება ქეთევან დედოფლისა“, პარიზი, 1938; თ ა მ ა რ ა შ ვ ი ლ ი  მ., ისტორია კათოლიკობისა ქართველთა შორის..., ტფ., 1902.

B. Giorgadze