Transcaucasian Seim

Transcaucasian Seim was a legislative body of state power in Transcaucasia.

It was convened by the Transcaucasian Commissariat in Tbilisi on February 23, 1918. Its main purpose was to legalize the separation of Transcaucasia from Soviet Russia. The Transcaucasian Seim included Deputies of the Constituent Assembly: 24 Mensheviks, 24 Dashnaks, 30 members of the Müsavat Party, 4 Menshevik-Hummet members, 3 representatives of the “socialist” bloc of Russian Muslims, 3 Socialist-Federalists, 5 members of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and 2 Cadets. The Transcaucasian Seim declared itself a legislative body and in March 1918 made a decision to separate Transcaucasia from Soviet Russia, and on April 22 adopted a resolution on the creation of the Transcaucasian Independent Federative Republic and formed a government cabinet headed by A. Chkhenkeli.

The existence of the Federation was short-lived. It dissolved into three republics (Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia).

On May 26, 1918, the Transcaucasian Seim announced its self-dissolution.

Literature: საქართველოს ისტორიის ნარკვევები, ტ. 6, თბ. 1972; ს უ რ გ უ ლ ა ძ ე  ა., ნარკვევები რევოლუციური მოძრაობის ისტორიიდან საქართველოში (1917–1921), თბ., 1954.

A. Surguladze