Angelo da Filigne

Angelo da Filigne was an Italian monk, member of the Capuchin Order. He participated in missionary work in Tbilisi.

In May 1687, King George XI and Archbishop Ekvtime Ratishvili sent documents to Pope Innocent XI. They asked the Pope for protection and swore loyalty (according to some reports, they informed him about converting to Catholicism).

Angelo da Filigne accompanied Solomon Tumanishvili, a 19-year-old Catholic from Tbilisi, to the School of Propaganda Congregation. In May 1688, the Pope and the Propaganda Congregation sent Angelo da Filigne to Georgia with a responding charter. The Pope gave him gifts for the king (an icon of the Annunciation) and the archbishop (altar chalice).

Literature: თამარაშვილი მ., ისტორია კათოლიკობისა ქართველთა შორის..., ტფ., 1902.