Asatiani Archil

A. Asatiani

Archil Asatiani (28 April 1933, Tbilisi – 29 April 2007, Tbilisi) was a physiologist, corresponding member of the Georgian Academy of Science (1972), MD, PhD of Medicine (1972), and professor (1973). In 1956, he graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University. Between 1975–85 and 2004–07, he was a professor at the Department of Physiology. Between 1975 and 1985, he was a Pro-Rector at Tbilisi State Medical University and between 1987 and 2004, he was the head of the department. In 1985–1991, he was the Rector of this university.

Asatiani studied and gastroenterology; neurohumoral mechanisms of the digestive system; the role of brain stem tissue structures in the secretion process of the stomach. He also explored neurohumoral mechanisms of satiety regulation and other issues.

Literary works: ძაღლის თავის ტვინის ღეროსა და ქერქის ლიმბური არის ზოგიერთი სტრუქტურის გაღიზიანების გავლენა კუჭის სეკრეციულ მოქმედებაზე, «საქ. სსრ მეცნ. აკად. მოამბე», 1961, ტ. 26, № 4;  Роль интерорецепции желудка в механизме насыщения, Труды I всесоюзного симпозиума «Физиологические механизмы голода и насаыщения, Труды 1 всесоюзного симпозиума «Физиологические механизмы голода и насыщения». г. Тбилиси, 25 – 27 сентября 1985 г., Тб., 1987.