Adzaba Cave

Adzaba (Esheri) cave, a karst cave in the municipality of Sokhumi, in the Gumishkha-Psirtskhi limestone massif. It is in the territory of the village of Zemo Esheri, on the right slope of the Gumisti river valley, 245 meters above sea level. It starts with an efficient entrance (10 m X 5 m) and gradually narrows down, and at the end splits into two. Its total length is 280 m; Maximum width – 8.5 m, height – 12 m. It has watery branches; An underground stream creates small lakes. The water temperature is 13.2C, air temperature at the entrance - 22.8C, in the cave at 120 m - 12.8C. It has almost no chemical precipitation. Bats, crustaceans, insects inhabit the cave. The main highway of the cave was planned for the first time in 1960 by Sh. Kipiani and Z. Tatashidze.

The cave is currently in the occupied territory of Abkhazia.

Literature: ტატაშიძე ზ., წიქარიშვილი კ., ჯიშკარიანი ჯ., საქართველოს კარსტული მღვიმეების კადასტრი, თბ., 2009.