Eduard Berg (birth and death years unknown) was a banker of German descent, active in the 19th century. He served as a state official in the Russian Empire in the Caucasus and was the last head of the Tbilisi branch of the State Bank.
He provided significant support initially to the commissariat of the South Caucasus and later to the government of the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918 - 1921), particularly in the process of introducing its own currency. The Minister of Finance of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, K. Kandelaki, wrote: "He wholeheartedly sided with the Georgian government and played a major role in making preparations for the Georgian bonds." According to the head of the Georgian National Bank, Berg handed over to the Georgian government what was stored in the treasury of the former Russian Imperial Bank in Tbilisi.
Literature: კანდელაკი კ., საქართველოს ეროვნული მეურნეობა, წგ. II, დამოუკიდებელი საქართველო მისი სოციალურ და ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობა, პარიზი, 1960; ჯ ა ვ ა ხ ი შ ვ ი ლ ი ნ., ქართული ბონისტიკა, თბ., 1996.
N. Javakhishvili