Opizari Beshken

Beshken Opizari was a 12th century goldsmith, an older contemporary of Beka Opizari. He must have been originally from Opiza (Klarjeti). No biographical information about him has been preserved.

His only surviving work is the silver cover of the Berta Gospels (previously stored in Gelati, currently at the Georgian National Centre of Manuscripts, Q – 906). The inscription on the cover reads: “Made by the hand of Beshken Opizari”. On either side of the cover are depicted compositions of the “Crucifixion” and “Supplication”. The corners are carved, the intervals of which were intended for precious stones on the “Crucifixion” side, and were filled with inscriptions on the “Supplication” side.

The powerful figure of Christ is sitting on the throne. The folds of Christ's robe, the carvings of the throne, and the ornamentation testify to the high craftsmanship of Beshken Opizari.

Literature: ა მ ი რ ა ნ ა შ ვ ი ლ ი  შ., ბექა ოპიზარი, თბ., 1956; ბ ე რ ი ძ ე  ვ., ძველი ქართველი ოსტატები, თბ., 1967; Ч у б и н а ш в и л и  Г. Н., Грузинское чеканноеискусство, ТБ., 1959.

V. Beridze