Nobel Robert and Ludvig

Robert Nobel
Ludvig Nobel

Nobel Robert and Ludvig (1829–1896 • 1831–1888), Swedish inventors and industrialists. Brothers  of Alfred   Bernhard Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize.

They appeared in Georgia, namely - in Batumi, in the 1880s. In 1876, they founded the oil industry company in Baku (as of 1879, the enterprise was named ‘Nobel Brothers Partnership’ i.e. ‘Branobel’) and decided to transport oil from Baku to Europe via Batumi. To that effect, they had to build the Baku- Batumi oil pipeline, railway and oil- loading terminal in Batumi. In 1883, they opened the Batumi terminal. The same year they finished the construction of Khashuri-Batumi segment of Baku- Batumi oil pipeline. The first tank cars were built according to the design of Ludvig Nobel. The Nobels were the first to transport oil to Europe via Batumi.

The Nobel brothers owed a plot and a house in Batumi, where they lived starting from 1883. Their Batumi office was situated in the same place. Their house in Batumi is located at No. 3, Leselidze Street, in the Benze Quarter. During the Soviet period, it was occu- pied first by the kindergarten, later – by the divisional office of militia. On May 17, 2007, the building was taken up by the Technological Museum named after the Nobel brothers. The façade of the museum bears a matching memorial plate. The exhibition of the museum includes the furniture that belonged to the Nobel brothers and various techno- logical materials connected with the oil industry.