Antonovskaya Anna

A. Antonovskaya

Antonovskaya Anna (1885-1967), Russian writer, born in Tbilisi. In 1909 she graduated from the School of Applied Arts in Tbilisi. Participated in the performances of amateur actors’ group, known as ‘Avchala Auditorium’. On her initiative, in 1918 a society under the name of Artisterium was founded in Tbilisi. The organization aimed at gaining deeper knowledge of Georgia and promoting its literature and arts. A. Antonovskaya was the publisher and active member of the editorial staff of ARS, the magazine of Artisterium. In 1918 her first composition – poem Bacchante was published in the first issue of ARS magazine. Her famous historic novel Didi Mouravi (The Great Steward), (books 1-6, 1937–1958) was also written in Tbilisi. In 1942 she was awarded the State Prize for the book 1, 1942. A feature film Giorgi Saakadze, based on the novel (screenplay by A. Antonovskaya, co-author B. Chyorni; directed by M. Chiaureli) was made In 1942.

Anna Antonovskaya was buried in Moscow.