Andronikov (Andronikashvili) Irakli

I. Andronikov

Andronikov (Andronikashvili) Irakli (1908-1990), Russian writer and literary critic, son of prominent lawyer and historian Luarsab Andronikashvili. He was born in St. Petersburg and graduated from Historical-Philological Faculty of Leningrad University. Starting from 1929 I. Andronikov had been publishing his literary compositions written in Russian. After 1935 he went to stage and began reciting his own stories. The protagonists of his stories, habitually tinted with humor, were famous writers, scientists, actors and artistes. Most of Andronkov’s stories were published; some of them are preserved as audio and video recordings. 

Apart being an enchanting standup reciter, I. Andronikov was an outstanding literary critic: he researched M. Lermontov’s works, explored and published the biographies of A. Pushkin and other Russian poets. Georgia held special place in I. Andronikov’s works. In his literary research Lermontov in Georgia he stressed Lermontov’s links with Georgia.

In his essays he reviewed the creations of Georgian writers, poets and artistes (I. Chavchavadze, G. leonidze, S. Chikovani, V. Chabukiani, etc.).

I. Andronikov was also engaged in public activities: he was the member of the Committee of the USSR Writers’ Union for Awarding the State and Lenin Prizes. Irakli Andronikov had titles of Honorary Worker of Art of Russia (1959) and Georgia (1961), People’s Artiste of the USSR (1982), Laureate of the USSR State (1967) and Lenin (1976) Prizes.

I. Andronikov lived and died in Moscow. He was buried at Vedenskoe cemetery.