Burakovsky Vladimir

V. Burakovski

Burakovsky Vladimir (1922-1994), Russian cardio-surgeon, Doctor of Medicine (1962), Professor (1965), Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (1978). One of the founders of cardiovascular surgery in the former Soviet Union. He was born in Tbilisi. In 1964 he graduated from the Tbilisi Medical Institute. He worked as a surgeon at Tbilisi hospital No. 1. Thereafter he was transferred to the Clinic of cardiovascular surgery of the Leningrad Military Medical Academy. In 1960–66 he held the position of the Head of the Department of Innate Valvular Defects of the Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery named after A. Bakulev; Starting from 1966 till his demise N. Burakovski was the Director of the said institute. N. Burakovski possessed the expertise of dealing with the problems of cardiovascular surgery, innate heart disease surgery, aortic valve defects, complications arising during the operations on ‘dry’ and open heart, etc. He had performed of thousands of complicated cardiovascular operations. He is the author of research works on the surgery on diseased hearts. For his research Heart Diseases among the Infants (1970) he was awarded the S. Spasokukotski prize (1973). He was the laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1973) and Lenin Prize (1976). For the achievements in the sphere of cardiovascular surgery, in 1997 he was posthumously awarded the prize named after A. Bakulev. He was the member of the Medical Societies of Hungary, Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia and the USA. V. Burakovski’s created a solid school of cardio-surgery and cardiology; he brought up a constellation of outstanding specialists, among them Georgian doctors Leonid Bokeria, David Ioseliani, Vladimer Alexi-Meskhishvili and others. In 1981 he was elected a Honorary citizen of Tbilisi.

Vladimir Burakovski was buried in Moscow.