
Don Pietro Avitabile (17th century) was a Catholic missionary and Theatine monk. In 1626–1628, he was the head of the Theatine Catholic mission in Georgia. On December 14, 1628, he arrived in Gori with two other missionaries. Encouraged by the loyal attitude of the government and the population towards Catholicism, Avitabile invited other missionaries from Rome (Don Giuseppe Milanese, Arcangelo Lamberti). Teimuraz I sent Avitabile to Rome in 1630 for political reasons and to further strengthen the mission. He presented an extensive report to the Pope about the situation in Georgia. On July 10, 1632, Avitabile arrived in Georgia once more with a large group of missionaries. In 1638, he returned to Rome again.

Avitabile left a rather detailed description of his activities in Georgia, which is important for studying the history of the internal and foreign policy, economic situation, the struggle between Catholicism and Orthodoxy of the Kingdom of Kartli. It contains certain details of the life and work of Teimuraz I, Rostom of Kartli, Imam Quli Khan and Daud Khan (surname Undiladze). The story of Rostom of Kartli restoring Gori Fortress in 1633 is told in fascinating way. It contains valuable information about the city of Gori.

Literary work: ცნობები საქართველოზე (XVII საუკუნე), შესავალი, თარგმანი და კომენტარები ბ. გიორგაძისა, თბ., 1977.

Literature: თამარაშვილი ა., ისტორია კათოლიკობისა ქართველთა შორის..., ტფ., 1902.


E. Mamistvalishvili