Atengenoba is a Christian holiday. It was established to commemorate the martyred Greek priest Atenegene (Atinogen) Sebastiel in the 3rd–4th centuries. Atengenoba was widespread in Georgia and Armenia. It was one of the moving holidays. It was held in June-July, on the 98th day after Easter. It is still celebrated in the highlands of Eastern Georgia. In Khevsureti it is called Atengenoba, in Tusheti — Atnigenoba, and in some places it is called the name of the icon where the feast is held (Lasharoba, Tamaroba, Seroba, etc.). Atengenoba is considered to be the celebration of the beginning of scything. With the spread of Christianity, it replaced the old pagan celebrations for the scything and reaping.
Literature: კ ე კ ე ლ ი ძ ე კ., ეტიუდები ძველი ქართული ლიტერატურის ისტორიიდან, [ტ.] 1, თბ., 1956; მ ა კ ა ლ ა თ ი ა მ., მესაქონლეობა აღმოსავლეთ საქართველოს მთიანეთში, თბ., 1985.
T. Ochiauri