Bolkhovitinov Eugene

E. Bolkhovitinov 

Eugene A. Bolkhovitinov (Metropolitan Eugene) [18 (29).12.1767, Voronezh, – 23.02 (07.03). 1837. Kyiv] was a Russian historian, philologist, lexicographer, paleologist, bibliographer, and metropolitan of Kyiv (since 1822).

His scientific works are connected to N. Rumyantsev’s scientific circle, which included many distinguished scholars. Bolkhovitinov was either an honorary or a full member of three Russian Academies, eight universities, and numerous scientific societies. He is famous for collecting and publishing old Russian-written monuments. He authored fundamental works based on rich archival materials. To this day, these works still hold scientific importance.

We must mention Bolkhovitinov’s work titled Georgia’s Historical Portrait from Political, Ecclesiastical and Educational Perspective (1802, St. Petersburg; in 1804 it was translated into German). This is the first published work that introduced Shota Rustaveli to Russians and then Europeans. Eugene A. Bolkhovitinov translated two strophes from The Knight in the Panther's Skin (Vepkhistkaosani) and introduced the names of Chakhrukhadze, Petritsi, Orbeliani to a wide audience; he analyzed Georgian poem and its structure. This, in turn, gave way to the publication of research about Georgian poetry in Russian publications.

Despite some common mistakes present in his work, it is still relevant today. Georgians who worked in St. Petersburg at that time helped Bolkhovitinov to write Georgia’s Historical Portrait…. These Georgians were Mirian, Ioane, Bagrat, Davit, and Mikheil Batonishvilis, Garsevan Chavchavadze, and Varlam D. Eristavi. Russian historian N. Bantysh-Kamensky also provided his assistance.

Bolkhovitinov wrote about the Georgian culture in another work. He also has published numerous works anonymously.

Literature: ა ნ დ ღ უ ლ ა ძ ე  ლ., ვეფხისტყაოსნის რევოლუციამდელი რუსი მთარგმნელები, კრ.: ძველი ქართული მწერლობის საკითხები, [ტ.] 3, თბ., 1968; ლ ე კ ი შ ვ ი ლ ი  ს., ძველი ქართული კულტურის საკითხები ე. ბოლხოვიტინოვის ნაშრომებში, თბ., 1987; შ ა რ ა ძ ე  გ., ევგენი ბოლხოვიტინოვი – პირველი რუსი რუსთველოლოგი, თბ., 1978; Ш м у р л о  Е., Митрополит Евгений как ученый, СПБ., 1888.

S. Lekishvili