Asatiani Nodar

Nodar Asatiani (8 January 1931, Tbilisi–March 2003, Tbilisi) was a historian, PhD of History (1989) and professor (1986). He graduated from the Faculty of History at Tbilisi State University. Since 1957, he has been working at the Department of Georgian History at TSU. Afterward, he headed the department. Starting in 1959, he was a lecturer at the same university. Between 1976 and 1987, he was dean of the Faculty of History at Tbilisi State University. He supervised the creation of a new study program focusing on intensive studies of subjects relating to Kartvelology (Kartvelian Studies). Between 1988 and 1992, he was head of the history section of the Georgian Encyclopedia. In 1991, he became head of the Georgian History and Regional Geography Department at the I. Chavchavadze Institute of Foreign Languages.

Asatiani researched social, economic, and political history of Feudal Georgia and Georgia’s foreign relations. He co-wrote a university course book on history of Georgia. He was a co-author and editor of a school history book on Georgian history. He was a member of numerous scientific councils and editorial boards.

He received the Ivane Javakhishvili Medal.

Literary works: :საქართველო-შარვანის პოლიტიკური ურთიერთობანი XII საუკუნეში, კრ.: XII საუკუნის საქართველოს ისტორიის საკითხები, თბ., 1968 (თსუ შრომები, ტ. 125); მასალები მე-17 საუკუნის საქართველოს ისტორიისათვის, თბ., 1973; გზა გამოხსნა-აღდგომისაკენ (რუსეთ-საქართველოს პოლიტიკური ურთიერთობა უძველესი დროიდან ტრაქტატამდე), თბ., 1983; საქართველოს ისტორია (VIII–IX კლასელების სახელმძღვანელო), თბ., 1990 (თანაავტ.: ვ. გუჩუა, მ. ლორთქიფანიძე, შ. მესხია).