Arghuni Archeological Monuments

Arghuni archeological monuments include a 6th–5th-century settlement ruin and a necropolis located 2 kilometers north-west of Arghuni village (Dusheti municipality). R. Ramishvili excavated the site in 1985–86. All graves are individual. Women were resting on the left side with their heads facing south, while men were resting on the right side with their heads facing north. Inside the graves, archeologists found clay pottery, silver and bronze jewelry (earrings, bracelets, openwork buckles, carnelian and amber beads), and iron weapons.

Settlement ruins are located northwest of the necropolis. Buildings were constructed with one-meter-thick walls of cliff stone and mud. Archeologists discovered two layers and remnants of cobblestone pavement.

South-east of the former settlements are the remains of a medieval fortification wall and a church.

Literature: М у х и г у л а ш в и л и  Н. З., Аргунский могильник, კრ.: Археологические открытия 1985 года, М., 1987.

N. Mukhigulashvili