Akhalkalaki Treasure

Akhalkalaki Treasure is a material culture from the 1st millennia BC, discovered in 1908 in Akhalkalaki village (Kaspi Municipality).

Contained in a clay vessel, there were 11 central-Transcaucasian and 4 Colchian copper axes, together with around one hundred copper ingots. By analyzing damaged Colchian axes and copper ingots, archeologists deduced that there used to be a smeltery in the region. Akhalkalaki Treasure is important for studying relations between archeological cultures of central-Transcaucasian and Colchis.

Literary works: აკად. ს. ჯანაშიას სახ. საქართველოს სახელმწიფო მუზეუმის არქეოლოგიური მასალების კატალოგი, ტ. 2, თბ., 1955; საქართველოს არქეოლოგია, თბ., 1959.

D. Koridze