

Barakoni, the church of the Mother of God, is an important monument in the tradition of medieval Georgian architecture in Racha, Ambrolauri Municipality, near the village of Tsesi.

In 1753, the local lord (eristavi), Rostom of Racha, commissioned the architect Avtandil Shulavreli to build the church. The rectangular building has no outbuildings. The dome rests on the corners of the altar and two pillars. It is built with brick stone. The exterior is adorned with rich ornamentation. There are some ancient elements on the facades (for example, the niches of the eastern facade). The types of  ornamentations are also mostly traditional, but these elements and decorations lack integrity and cannot be organically connected with the architecture.

In 1991, as a result of the earthquake, the monument was damaged — the dome partially collapsed. Currently, the monument is restored.

Literature: ბ ე რ ი ძ ე  ვ., ძველი ქართველი ოსტატები, თბ., 1967; ბ ო ჭ ო რ ი ძ ე  გ., რაჭის ისტორიული ძეგლები, «საქართველოს მუზეუმის მოამბე», 1933, ტ. 7.

N. Andghuladze