Bowra Maurice

M. Bowra

Maurice Bowra (b. April 8, 1898 – d. July 4, 1974) was an English literary critic, member of the British Academy (since 1938), its president (1958–1961), professor at the University of Oxford, Rustvelologist.

His studies — Heroic Poetry (1952) and Inspiration and Poetry (1955) are noteworthy; Bowra studied the Rustaveli era, the poet's relationship with Eastern and Western culture, compared The Knight in the Panther's Skin to the famous masterpieces of the world poetry of the Middle Ages.

Literature: გ ა მ ყ რ ე ლ ი ძ ე  ა., ახალი ქართველოლოგიური ნაშრომები უცხოეთში, «ცისკარი», 1958, № 1.