Sergey Belokurov (1 [13] September 1862 – 3 December 1918), was a Russian historian and archivist. He was a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1903). From 1886 to 1918, he worked at the Main Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow and was an active member of the Russian Historical and Archaeological Society. He studied the history of Russian foreign and cultural life in the 16th–17th centuries.
Belokurov published specialized works related to the history of Russian-Georgian relations in the 16th–17th centuries. These works still have scientific value and serve as important sources for Georgian studies.
Literary works: Поездка Старца Арсения Суханова в Грузию (1637 – 1640), «Христианское чтение», 1884, кн. 3–4; Посолбство дьяка Федота Елчина и священника Павла Захарьева в Дадианскую землю (1639–1640). «Чтения в Обществе истории и древностей Российских», 1887, кн. 2; Сношения России о Кавказом, в. 1 (1578–1613), М., 1889; Дело о присылке Шахом Аббасом ризы господней царю Михаилу Феодоровичу в 1625 году, М., 1891–93.
Literature: С.А. Белокуров (1882–1907), М., 1908; Б о г о с л о в с к и й М. М., С.А. Белокуров, «Русский исторический журнал», 1922, кн. 8.
V. Macharadze