Beneshevich Vladimir

Vladimir Beneshevich (9 [21] August 1879 – 19 December 1943) was a Russian archivist and historian. He was a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1924) and an honorary doctor of the University of Athens (1912). He was also a member of the Academies of Strasbourg (1914) and Berlin (1929).

He primarily researched ancient Greek and Russian ecclesiastical law, Byzantine history, and specific topics in ancient Georgian and Armenian literature. He published a description of Greek manuscripts preserved on Mount Sinai (two volumes, 1911, 1917).

Beneshevich's study “The Georgian Great Nomocanon According to the Manuscripts of the Tbilisi Ecclesiastical Museum” (1913) was dedicated to one of the most important works of Georgian ecclesiastical law, the “Didi Sjuliskanoni” - Great Code of Law (translated from Greek). The author describes seven manuscripts of this work, casting doubt on the claim that the "Great Code of Law" was translated by Arsen of Ikalto (12th century) and dates the work to the 9th–10th centuries.

Literary works: Грузинский Великий номоканон по спискам Тифлисского церковного музея, «Христианский Восток», 1913, т. 2, в. 3; 1916, т. 5, в. 2.