Beritashvili Ivane

I. Beritashvili

Ivane Beritashvili [29 December 1884 (10 January 1885), Vejini village, present-day Gurjaani Municipality—29 December 1974, Tbilisi] was a physiologist and founder of the physiological school in Georgia. A full member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences (1941), the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1944). Honored Scientist of the Georgian SSR (1935).

After graduating from St. Petersburg University (1910). In 1912, he was sent to Kazan to work in A. Samoilov’s laboratory and then to the Netherlands, to the laboratory of R. Magnus in Utrecht (1914–1915). From 1915 to 1919, he was a Privatdozent at Odessa University. From 1919, he was invited to Tbilisi State University, where he founded the Department of Human and Animal Physiology and was its scientific supervisor until his death. From 1935, he was the director of the Institute of Physiology. From 1951, he was its scientific supervisor of this institute.

Beritashvili is the author of many fundamental works on the physiology of the muscular and nervous systems, the mechanisms of behavior of higher vertebrates, the characteristics of memory in vertebrates, and their origins.

He was an honorary member of the All-Union Society of Physiological Sciences (1970), an honorary member of the New York Academy of Sciences (1959), an honorary member of the International Brain Research Organization (1960), the American Electroencephalographic Society (1947), the International Congress on Higher Nervous Activity (1969), the American Biological Psychiatry Society (1969), etc. He was also a member of the Main Editorial Board of the Georgian Encyclopedia.

He was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1941, the Pavlov Prize in 1938, and the I. Sechenov Prize in 1963. He received various state awards.

თხზ.: ცხოველთა ფიზიოლოგია, ტ. 1 – 2, თბ., 1920 – 21; ნერვული და ფსიქონერვული მოქმედების ძირითადი ფორმები, თბ., 1947; К Учению о лабиринтах в шейных тонических рефлексах, «Известия Академии наук», VI серия 1915 т. 9; Индивидуально-приобретенниая деятельность центральной нервной системы, Тфл., 1932; Общая физиология мышечной и нервной системы, М., 1937; О нервных механизмах пространственной ориентации высших позвоночных жывотных, М., 1961; От спинномозговой координации движения до психонервной интеграции поведения, «Вестник АН СССР», 1966, № 7; Об образной психонервной деятельности животных, М., 1966; Память позвоночных животных, ее характеристика и происхождение, Тб., 1968 (ინგლ. ენაზე - 1971); Структура и функция коры большого мозга, М., 1969.

ლიტ.: ძ ი ძ ი შ ვ ი ლ ი  ნ., ივანე ბერიტაშვილი, თბ., 1962; ივანე სოლომონის ძე ბერიტაშვილი. ბიობიბლიოგრაფია, თბ., 1957; 1977; В о р о н ц о в  Д. С., Академик Иван Соломонович Бериташвили (Беритов), К 70-летию со дня рождения и 45-летию научной и педагогической деятельности, «Физиологический журнал», 1956, т. 42, № 1, с. 120.

A. Koridze